The Barbarian
Weird Tales (1934)
Unveiling the mystique of a barbarian's genesis: 1938's Weird Tales captures the essence of a world yet to be conquered.
Colleced Editions Painting by Frank Frazetta
Behold Frazetta's masterpiece that launched Conan into international stardom: The Cimmerian warrior triumphant, a grim testament to his unstoppable might.
First Conan the Barbarian comic book by Marvel Comics (1970s)
Marvel's inaugural Conan comic unveils the winged terrors of Akaana, a fierce challenge to the Barbarian's supremacy. It is the most popular Marvel Comic series of the 1970s.
Conan by Alex Ross
Alex Ross envisions Conan's relentless courage, pulverizing the undead legions that dare to defy him.
Savage Sword of Conan comic book by Marvel
The Savage Sword: Marvel's gritty, monochromatic tribute to Conan's ruthless determination and unyielding spirit.
King Conan sitting on his throne by Sanjulian
King Conan, Sanjulian's portrait of the contemplative ruler, unflinching and prepared for the unknown.
Conan the Barbarian movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger (1982)
Witness the 1982 cinematic epic: Arnold's Conan, a timeless portrayal of raw power and indomitable spirit.
Conan leading a Mercenary Company by Cary Nord
Cary Nord's valiant depiction of Conan leading mercenaries, carving a path through those who dare oppose him.
Conan Returned To His Homeland of Cimmeria by Esad Ribic
Esad Ribic's breathtaking vision of Conan, returning to his roots in Cimmeria, mastering the hunt and the art of survival.
Conan Exiles video game (2017)
Conan Exiles: The 2017 game allows players to create their own warriors and see if they can survive in the grueling exile lands.